•    Are you looking for beacons to steer you past the daily challenges of our complex and fast changing world?
•    Do you sometimes feel isolated at work - it’s lonely at the top - and are you in search of a sounding board to help you reflect on things?
•    Are you eager to connect with your inner sources to maximize your potential?
•    Would you like to strive for a better work/life balance?
•   Have you reached a point in your career where you think questions about (sources of) meaning need to be tackled?

If the answer to any of  the above is yes, coaching might be the perfect solution for you. We all benefit from a chat with someone we can trust and who can help us (re)connect with our inner resources. Exploring what opportunities specific situations harbour, can help us reflect on and discover a fitting response to the dillemmas and challenges that come our way.
As a coach I see myself as a fellow traveller and ally who asks targeted questions and creates a safe space within which coachees can explore the pulls of certain themes. Faith in a person’s potential growth and freedom are key values for me. A co-creative process lays bare a person’s intrinsic motivation to choose the path to increased self-realization.
Treat a man as he appears to be, and you make him worse. But treat a man as if he were what he potentially could be, and you make him what he should be.